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GRAND OPENING! Student Run Credit Union at Stebbins High School
CODE Credit Union is proud to announce the grand opening of the Stebbins High School Student Run Credit Union.
The Student Credit Union Branch will enhance financial education and work-based learning by providing students an opportunity to work in and use the credit union in a real-life fashion allowing them to develop valuable financial skills and responsibility. The student branch will be operated by select members of the Stebbins Career Technology School’s Accounting and Finance Class, which is led by Mr. John Stalcup. Mr. Stalcup says that he is excited to see the student branch open and provide students a connection between class material and the real world.
The Student Run Credit Union will be open on Tuesdays and Thursdays during the lunch period. Students will be able to deposit and withdraw funds. The experience will encourage students to learn about Financial Literacy and embrace financial responsibility. It will also give them experience and skills which will enhance their employability including cash handling, problem solving and marketing . One of the first projects for the students was to collaborate on the design for the Stebbins High School Debit Card which is now available for all students and faculty to display Indian Pride.
CODE Credit Union would like to thank the Ohio Credit Union Foundation for grant funds which will help support the opening of the new student branch.