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Apply for a Mortgage today with CODE!
Rent payments in many areas have steadily been climbing higher and higher. Let CODE’s Mortgage Specialist assist you and upgrade into a home of your own!
Mortgage rates have come down slightly. This could be an opportunity to find the house of your dreams. According to*, there are a few reasons why buying a house now could make sense.
- Buy a house now, and refinance later – Your home can be forever. Your interest rate doesn’t have to be. After purchasing your home, you could get an opportunity to refinance later to a lower rate.
- Housing prices are on the rise – Buying a house today locks in your price. Waiting could mean an increase in price for available houses for sale.
- Less competition – Currently, there aren’t that many home shoppers out there. Find your dream home today, and you might have some negotiating leverage.
- Increase of inventory – The amount of homes for sale is steadily on the rise, so you could have a lot more options available to you as you search for the right house for you.
- If now is the right time for you, then it never makes sense to wait – If you find a home that fits your needs and budget, CODE is ready to walk you through the mortgage process every step of the way, and make you a home owner.
Contact Greg Lockard, CODE’s Mortgage Specialist, to go over your mortgage options and help you finance your dream home. Call Greg at (937) 222-8971 ext. 1120, or send an email to (NMLS# 376636)
*Information from “5 Reasons Why Buying A Home Right Now Makes Sense-Despite High Interest Rates” from