ATM Upgrade at Englewood Branch! We’re excited to announce that the ATM at our Englewood Branch is…
BINGO Event for Charity
Join us at Yellow Cab Tavern on Tuesday, June 7th to play BINGO and raise funds for the CODE Foundation. We’ll be playing 6 rounds of bingo with Pizza Pardner Brian of The Pizza Bandit and Celebrity BINGO callers: Doyle Burke, Former Dayton Police Detective, Published Author, and CODE Credit Union Board Chairman and David Seagraves, former Brookville Mayor and CODE Credit Union Board Vice Chairman calling the numbers!
Each round, the winner will get a $10 gift certificate to either Yellow Cab or Pizza Bandit with the final cover all round getting a $25 gift certificate plus additional prizes provided by CODE Credit Union!
Players can get as many bingo boards as they like for $5 each, which goes directly to The CODE Foundation!
Come out for food, beverages and try your luck at BINGO while supporting The CODE Foundation. CODE Foundation was formed by CODE Credit Union to support local charities and individuals in need.